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NuVet Supplements

At Kerr Aussies, we have been using NuVet Supplements for many years now and we swear by them. Our Australian Shepherds have never had a more beautiful coat, so healthy and vibrant. Being a Dog Breeder, we've noticed that after a litter is born, the momma goes through hormonal changes and their hair would be a disaster. It would fall out, get thin, and very dry. Every since we've used NuVet, they've kept the beautiful coat throughout the pregnancy and nursing. This is evidence on the "outside". I can only tell you that the inside must be equally as healthy. Our dogs and puppies have remained healthy, with a hearty immune system. 

Therefore, we HIGHLY recommend NuVet to be given daily. You'll see and feel the difference!

This is one of our red merle pups.

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